As many of you know my two younger kids, Will who is 13, and Chloe who is 11, play competitive tennis. Will is spending time in the John Newcombe Tennis Ranch Academy Program this summer. They live in the dorms there with other boys and get to practice their skills all day in an environment that is geared toward moving up competitively. Will went for the minimum amount of time 3 weeks. They get to travel with the group to tournaments and this weekend they traveled back home to Houston to compete. Will was responsible for getting his things and himself ready to leave the ranch by 1:30 Friday for the 3 hour drive to Houston.
Thursday Night 9:00 - Call from Will he is getting ready for the trip, doing wash.
Friday Afternoon 12:30, 1 hour till departure - Call from Will. "Mom can I wash towels with whites"
Mom - "Why are you washing now, it takes an hour to do a load of wash and dry it"
Will - "I have exactly an hour mom and I need socks and underwear"
Mom - "Okay Hurry and get the rest of your bag ready but don't wash the towel you won't need one at a hotel"
Will - "oh, Okay"
Friday Afternoon 1:05 Call from Will "Why are washers so slow"
Friday Afternoon 1:20 Hysterical call from Will ""Mommmmmmm I lostttt my tennis racquets!"
Mom tells him to get a hold of himself calm down and look for them, she will call the counselor and get him to help.
Friday Afternoon 1:40 call from Will "We're on our way"
Mom - "Did you get your racquets?"
Will - sheepishly "yeah, but mom I forgot my toothpaste, contact solution, and toothbrush, can we get some there?"
After all this I get a final call early Saturday morning, we are about to leave with my daughter, who is playing in the tournament too. We were going to meet Will and his group there and watch his match.
Will - "Mom, I got up late and didn't have time to put on compression shorts (for those of you unenlightened in 13 year old tennis lingo compression shorts = underwear!) Do you have any extra at home?"
My husband's take on the situation was that this was to show Will how much we do for him and how he has to learn responsibility and appreciation, I don't know if he did or not but I hope he remembers his underwear next time.
The champ tournament was a success and Chloe won the consolation draw, a great boost for her.