Friday, August 28, 2009

Organizing Your Etsy Day

Like most crafters/designers the part I love is the creating. I can piddle the day away shopping for fabrics, notions, sketching, sewing, cutting, etc. I also love vintage so a day running to resale and thrift shops is a real treat. The thrill of making a sale is fantastic too. What is not so great and what a lot of us don't like is listing, photographing and shipping. But they are necessary to having a good business so here is how I organize my etsy day, maybe it will help you organize yours!

1. Listing - First off I list, if it isn't listed it can't sell!
  • Check for expired listings first, an easy way to bump your store into recent listings.
  • Check sold items for things to Re-list, another easy way to bring your shop into the top of the searches.
  • List anything new you have (I don't include taking photos with listing, I'll get to that later).

Easy ways to make listing go faster - Install Mozilla Firefox (an alternate browser) and go to . Install this script and it will add Copy Listing to your etsy shop when you are using Firefox. It shortens the amount of time it takes to list items similar to ones already listed in your etsy shop.

2. Shipping - Nothing makes your customers happier than to get their order quickly!

I ship next, I detest shipping because it usually involves lots of busywork. But I usually do it next so I can get my items to the post office or carrier before the mail goes out. Tips to make your shipping go faster

  • Put all your shipping supplies in one central area, somewhere you can take your laptop or somewhere near a computer. Put envelopes, mailers, labels, whatever you need near there.
  • Use paypal shipping. Prints labels, can provide tracking at no charge, gives your buyer a notification that their item shipped.
  • Try carrier pickup, while it doesn't work for everyone, it can be very convenient not to have to go to the post office.

3. Now for the FUN Creating!

  • Have an area (it can be as simple as a cupboard) set aside for your supplies. Gather what you need and go somewhere you can be at your best for whatever inspires you.
  • If you are on the go a lot (mommy taxi) have something portable you can work on in a bag ready to leave when you do.
  • Be aware of inspiration in your daily life! Some of my best ideas come from something right in front of me!

4. Picture Taking and Preparation for the next etsy day

I save my picture taking for the end of the day, I take my pics indoors so light is not an issue if it is for you take your pictures at the time of day that works for you. But try to have a back up method in case it is rainy etc. You can get clamp on lights at Home Depot and either use those or even get a light box very reasonably.

Prepare for the next day, I mentally make notes of what I need to do next, custom orders that need to be done, new item inspiration, etc.

So there it is! The point is to make yourself as productive as you can with the little time you have. While my process may not work for everyone, maybe it can make you think a little about what can. Thanks!


  1. This is an excellent schedule! I tried to make one a while back but it ended up not working for me, so I'm going to try mixing it up and organizing my day differently and see if I can be more productive.

  2. I can't make a daily schedule right now, my days are so different! But I do try to do a few things at certain times during the days if I can. I try to take pictures before 4pm so the lighting is the best and I try to blog and list items fairly early as well so that the most people can see them :)

  3. this is a good list, i am not this organized yet and i should be. not listing is a huge issue with me, i always put it off because my pictures aren't good enough or my description sounds cheesy. but you're right, it can't sell if its not there!


  4. I love this post, Jamie! It's always interesting to see how other fellow Etsians structure their day!

  5. thanks for sharing your schedule! I wish I could have a daily routine - I try to focus on etsy on days when obly a few clients or i class so less distracted - Also - tend to multitask when have some free time and have laptop with me - even relisted and edited while getting an oil change with free wifi and have edited and listed from school many times.

  6. That was an awesome list and I will use it. I tend to waste much of my day and wonder at nightfall, what happened? Thanks, I will give this a try. Trudy aka Momma Goddess

  7. If only I could devote my day to Etsy......I squeeze these things into my pre-work and post-work "free" time :) It's always a struggle, but very rewarding when I do sell something!

  8. Jamie, do you give yourself a time limit or time table so you complete each task every day?
